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Surgical Drape Minor Procedure Drape 76 W X 124 L Inch Sterile

  • Maximum rating for flame resistance makes drape safe for use around lasers and other electrical instruments.
  • Fabric is resistant to tearing, strikethrough, and abrasion, while providing secure attachment for line and tubes.
  • Resists strikethrough from alcohol and other prep solutions.
  • Lower lint than other drapes reduces the risk of airborne bacterial transmission.
  • Fabric reinforcement is designed either to reduce instrument slippage or control fluid run-off.
  • Surgical drape is 76 x 124 inches with a square fenestration of 6 x 6 inches.

Brand: O&M Halyard Inc

Halyard Sterile Minor Procedure Surgical Drape, 76 W x 124 L Inch

SKU: 471674_EA
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